Source code for postgres.cursors


The :py:mod:`postgres` library extends the cursors provided by
:py:mod:`psycopg2` to add simpler API methods: :py:meth:`run`, :py:meth:`one`,
and :py:meth:`all`.

from __future__ import print_function, unicode_literals

from inspect import isclass

from psycopg2.extensions import cursor as TupleCursor
from psycopg2.extras import NamedTupleCursor, RealDictCursor

# Exceptions
# ==========

class OutOfBounds(Exception):

    def __init__(self, n, lo, hi):
        self.n = n
        self.lo = lo
        self.hi = hi

    def __str__(self):
        msg = "Got {n} rows; expecting "
        if self.lo == self.hi:
            msg += "exactly {lo}."
        elif self.hi - self.lo == 1:
            msg += "{lo} or {hi}."
            msg += "between {lo} and {hi} (inclusive)."
        return msg.format(**self.__dict__)

class TooFew(OutOfBounds): pass
class TooMany(OutOfBounds): pass

# Cursors
# =======

[docs]class SimpleCursorBase(object): """ This is a mixin to provide a simpler API atop the usual DB-API 2.0 API provided by :py:mod:`psycopg2`. Any custom cursor class you would like to use as the :py:attr:`cursor_factory` argument to :py:class:`~postgres.Postgres` must subclass this base. >>> from psycopg2.extras import LoggingCursor >>> from postgres.cursors import SimpleCursorBase >>> class SimpleLoggingCursor(LoggingCursor, SimpleCursorBase): ... pass ... >>> from postgres import Postgres >>> db = Postgres( "postgres://jrandom@localhost/test" ... , cursor_factory=SimpleLoggingCursor ... ) If you try to use a cursor that doesn't subclass :py:class:`~postgres.cursors.SimpleCursorBase` as the default :py:attr:`cursor_factory` for a :py:class:`~postgres.Postgres` instance, we won't let you: >>> db = Postgres( "postgres://jrandom@localhost/test" ... , cursor_factory=LoggingCursor ... ) ... Traceback (most recent call last): ... postgres.NotASimpleCursor: We can only work with subclasses of postgres.cursors.SimpleCursorBase. LoggingCursor doesn't fit the bill. However, we do allow you to use whatever you want as the :py:attr:`cursor_factory` argument for individual calls: >>> db.all("SELECT * FROM foo", cursor_factory=LoggingCursor) Traceback (most recent call last): ... AttributeError: 'LoggingCursor' object has no attribute 'all' """
[docs] def run(self, sql, parameters=None): """Execute a query and discard any results. .. note:: See the documentation at :py:meth:``. """ self.execute(sql, parameters)
[docs] def one(self, sql, parameters=None, default=None): """Execute a query and return a single result or a default value. .. note:: See the documentation at :py:meth:``. """ # fetch out = self._some(sql, parameters, lo=0, hi=1) if out: assert len(out) == 1 out = out[0] else: out = None # dereference if out is not None and len(out) == 1: seq = list(out.values()) if hasattr(out, 'values') else out out = seq[0] # default if out is None: if isexception(default): raise default out = default return out
def _some(self, sql, parameters, lo, hi): self.execute(sql, parameters) if self.rowcount < lo: raise TooFew(self.rowcount, lo, hi) elif self.rowcount > hi: raise TooMany(self.rowcount, lo, hi) return self.fetchall()
[docs] def all(self, sql, parameters=None): """Execute a query and return all results. .. note:: See the documentation at :py:meth:`postgres.Postgres.all`. """ self.execute(sql, parameters) recs = self.fetchall() if recs and len(recs[0]) == 1: # dereference if hasattr(recs[0], 'values'): # mapping recs = [list(rec.values())[0] for rec in recs] else: # sequence recs = [rec[0] for rec in recs] return recs
[docs]class SimpleTupleCursor(TupleCursor, SimpleCursorBase): """A `simple cursor`_ that returns tuples. """
[docs]class SimpleNamedTupleCursor(NamedTupleCursor, SimpleCursorBase): """A `simple cursor`_ that returns namedtuples. """
[docs]class SimpleDictCursor(RealDictCursor, SimpleCursorBase): """A `simple cursor`_ that returns dicts. """
[docs]def isexception(obj): """Given an object, return a boolean indicating whether it is an instance or subclass of :py:class:`Exception`. """ if isinstance(obj, Exception): return True if isclass(obj) and issubclass(obj, Exception): return True return False
if __name__ == '__main__': from postgres import Postgres db = Postgres("postgres://jrandom@localhost/test")"DROP SCHEMA IF EXISTS public CASCADE")"CREATE SCHEMA public") import doctest doctest.testmod()
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